We reserve the right to:
Ask for government issued identification
Ask to inspect the contents of all bags, backpacks, and purses
Deny entrance to an event for safety reasons, fire code limits, poor behavior, etc. Keep it PG-13 unless you're in an 18+ area
Anything that is illegal outside the convention is illegal inside the convention. Anime Magic! does not condone any illegal activities such as underage drinking, smoking, drug use, etc. Perpetrators WILL be turned over to the police.
Do not do anything that risks the safety of any attendee
Do not deface, damage, or destroy ANY property or equipment. YOU are responsible for the cost of ANY damage you cause
If a staff member, hotel employee, convention center employee, security guard, response team member, or any member of public service (Police Officer, Firefighter, EMT, Paramedic, etc) tells you to stop a certain behavior, you must respect their request and comply immediately
Do not drop anything from the interior or exterior balconies of the hotel and/or convention center
No play-fighting is allowed on convention premises. Still-posing is OK, mock-combat is NOT
Special services or arrangements may be made on a case-by-case basis (Food allergy requirements, handicap, accessibility concerns, etc). Please speak with convention staff about your concern.
These rules are for costumes worn around the convention. If at any time you aren't sure if your costume or prop is acceptable, don't hesitate to ask our staff!
A costume or prop is unacceptable if it does any of the following:
Fails to comply with Federal, State, or Local Laws
Leaves your feet bare
Has vulgar remarks or hate speech of any kind, in any language
Has dangerous protrusions such as spikes or sharp edges
Extends more than 6 inches from your body in any direction
A prop that is longer than your height. Props that are too long may be carried in separate pieces, and re-assembled for photographs
Has a tightly strung bow-string
Has a laser pointer or similar capability
Anything "live-steel". Live-steel is defined as an object crafted from metal that has a point or blade-like edge whether blunt or sharp. Live-steel items purchased at vendors must be kept in a box while in convention space.
Gun-like props without orange tips are strictly prohibited. This includes airsoft, toys, replicas, home-made, etc. Gun-like props must have their firing mechanisms disabled and nothing loaded.
Any prop being used or handled in an unsafe manner
Any prop determined by convention staff to be unsafe for any reason
You will first be asked to take the problem prop or costume back to your room or off convention premises
In the event you refuse compliance regarding your prop, your prop will be confiscated. You will be allowed a window of time to pickup your prop at the end of the weekend determined by the convention staff. If you do not pick up your prop during this predetermined time, you forfeit your prop entirely and it will be disposed of by convention staff
If you refuse compliance regarding your costume, you will be ejected from the Anime Magic! convention for the rest of the weekend. No refunds or exceptions shall be made.
The department head of Security + Response Teams will have final say on the acceptability of any costume or prop
No photography, videography, or recording is permitted during concerts unless a prior arrangement has been made
No bags are permitted in the concerts or dances
Line jumping, saving seats, and reserving spots are not permitted
If you need to use the bathroom or get a drink of water while waiting in line, let convention staff know so that you do not appear to be cutting in line when you come back. If you do not return within a reasonable amount of time your spot may be given up.
There is no coat or bag check, so please make sure you only have what you need when you get in line
Special services or arrangements may be made on a case-by-case basis (Food allergy requirements, handicap, accessibility concerns, etc). Please speak with convention staff about your concern.
We are a family friendly event. However, that does not mean we are a child care service. Your children are your responsibility. Lost children will be presented to the Rosemont Police Department for help in finding their parents.
We discourage parents from bringing children without a parent, guardian, or escort. All children should have acceptable means of communication and location of their parent/guardian/escort
Parents WILL be held responsible for damages done by their minor children
If you feel you have been mistreated, or treated unfairly at anytime during the event, please let us know immediately by approaching any member of our staff. We appreciate your feedback and will strive to correct any problems that arise.
Please also feel free to Contact Us to report any issues!
The Security and Response Teams are here to make sure you have a safe and enjoyable time at Anime Magic! If at any time you feel unsafe or need help of any kind, please stop one of our team members for help!
If you have a question or concern relating to Security, please email: steve@animemagic.org